Yes! I want to make a donation...

UERMMMC Alumni Foundation USA, Inc. is a non-profit charitable 501(c)(3) tax-exempt corporation with Tax ID# 13-3119113. Our expenditures reflect the mission, values and success of our foundation. 90% of funds go to our alma mater, and the rest go to supporting services. All gifts are tax-deductible.

View the Donation Process Flowchart

Printable Make A Donation Form (PDF)

Donate by Zelle at 810-624-0067
Donate by Venmo @uermafusa (under CHARITIES)

I am making a gift of:
Gift Amount (US Dollars)
The donation is:
My Personal Gift
For the Dr. Wilmer G. Heceta 333 Endowment Fund
In Memory of
In Honor of
Please use my gift for:
Award and Memorial Lectures
Faculty Development Program
Community Service Program
Adopt Program
School of Physical Therapy
College of Nursing
Let the AFUSA Board decide
Method of payment:
Pay-By-Check On-line. There are no additional fees when you pay on-line using a check. This way, more of your gift amount goes toward the beneficiaries of the Alumni Foundation projects.
Buy now with PayPal
A convenience fee will be added
  to all on-line donations made using a credit card or PayPal. 3% of your total payment plus a $0.30 transaction fee will cover third-party payment processing costs.